Dinking in Pickleball

Drills for Dinking

Practice Drills for a Perfect Dink

Okay so you are now a believer in pickleball dinking. You have seen videos of very good players dinking, you know how to dink, and you know when and why to dink. What’s left is to learn what practice drills you can use to perfect your dinking. As you might expect, there are a lot of drills geared to the art of dinking. Here are two that are easy to do because they only require you and one other person. It really shouldn’t take you a long time to learn how to dink. These videos are taken from PrimeTime PickleballControl your dinks while on the move and Increase your dink control and consistency.

Wrapping Up

As I mentioned in the beginning of this article there are more videos on YouTube about the dink than on any other shot. Yet in most pickleball games – other than professional or advanced – you rarely see a rally of dinking last more than a few shots. I have already explained why I think this is the case, but it really doesn’t matter. What matters is that you learn how to dink, practice it and incorporate it into your game. The net result will be that you will force your opponents to try ill-advised winning shots that will hit the net, and you will win the point. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post and viewing the videos. I look forward to writing more articles on pickleball strategy and hearing back from you with your comments.
